My fairytale-like life in Wurzburg
Hello Everyone, I really love writing for this blog. And that is of course one of the reasons that I constantely return to this place.I feel like this place is a "secret refuge" for me. A safe place ,where I can express myself and my own inner thoughts , without being scared that someone is going to "bite" me, because of having a different opinion from his /her. I live in Wurzburg since last month and I feel pretty excited about that. It is so great being on your own and learning to protect yourself from dangerous things or people. It is like a "sweet witch" giving you an "enigmatic key" ,which magically opens the "tall golden door", that shows you the road for a magic or a fantasy world. It is also like kissing a "tiny frog" that turns up to be a "lovely princess",that invites you to stay with her at the "Golden Palace". It is a really intense and deep feeling. It is freedom and ...