
Showing posts from January, 2014

Dream... it up! (thoughts n' talks)

       Dreams....what a wonderful and powerful word. All of us we have a dream, or many dreams.We see ourselves in future and we hope that beautiful and wonderful things will happen to us. For example, we hope and dream, that we will be loved and give love bac or that we will be successful at our job.We also dream that we are going to change the world and make it better. But that is really hard, in my opinion ,cause you have to try a lot and have the right skills ,so as to do something like that. Althought, it worth it for sure.        Why do we need to keep dreaming? In my opinion, we must constantly dream, cause the person,who do not dream is already dead ,as they say. You lose your humanity , when you stop dreaming and that is really awful.When you stop dreaming you destroy yourselve with your own will.So we must dream....for ever.      There are two categories of dreams: dreams that we "dream", while we are sleeping and dre...

What is actually...."life"?(just the first one)

                  I always wonder--from when i was a little child , what life is . I asked several times my friends , my family and my teachers and each time i had taken a different answer . No one could ever tell me what is the meaning of this wonderful and dynamic word  . The true meaning of word "life" .And this is ,i suppose, because life means so many things to all of us. We have to see in the deapth of our souls, so as to find the meaning--so as to find the truth.            Life can be either  good or bad , either easy or hard , either dangerous or safe. Life has so many faces as the human beings, that live and breathe in this world---our world. We have to search systematicly, i believe, so as to experience all the stages and all the paths ,that a human life can give us as a gift.                                ...